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Contains the server configuration.

Configuration APIs

This section contains information on using the configuration API’s.

import com.codingchili.core.configuration.Configurable;

public class ConfigurationClass implements Configurable {
    // a configuration property with the default value of false.
    // the properties needs to either have get/set methods or be public.
    public boolean fastMode = false;

    public String getPath() {
        // this is the path the configuration file is read from or written to.
        // the file extension determines the format of the file.
        return "configs/the_config.json";

Here is another example configuration model.

Loading configuration

Loading configuration from a file with the model/schema file ConfigurationClass.class.

ConfigurationClass config = Configurations.get("path/to/configurable.yml", ConfigurationClass.class);

When a configuration has been loaded into memory it will be reloaded whenever the file changes. The contents of the loaded file are cached in memory until the configuration is unloaded. An unload can be forced with Configurations.reset(), this should only be used from test cases.

If the file does not exist it will be instantiated with the defaults in ConfigurationClass.class. Additionally, if the system launcher configuration is configured with ‘warnOnDefaultsLoaded’ a warning will be logged. The default is to not log the warning. By defaulting to the configuration within the model class when the file is missing we can support configuration without having to ship default configuration as separate files.

Configuration can also be loaded directly from memory into the Configurations manager. This is done with the following call.


Reloading configuration

Whenever configuration changes it will be reloaded in memory. Any configuration instances from Configurations.get will not be modified. Subsequent calls to Configurations.get will return the new configuration file.

If the call to Configurations.get is cached, an additional O(1) map lookup can be avoided - with the implication that changes to the configuration on disk will not be visible. To limit the time configuration is cached, or to always retrieve the latest copy from the cache a wrapper is recommended.

public ConfigurationClass getMyConfiguration() {
    // custom logic to cache the call goes here.
    return Configurations.get("path/to/configurable.yaml", ConfigurationClass.class);

Persisting configuration

Persisting configuration is easy, perform any changes to the configuration class in memory and call the save method on the configurable object.

myConfiguration.fastMode = true;

// saves the configuration to disk, location is specified by the 'getPath' method.;

Whenever the application is shutdown gracefully, a hook is executed to save all configuration to disk.

Configuration Factory

The configuration factory allows more granular control of the loading/unloading of configuration. It can be used to add support for new configuration file formats in the Configurations implementation.

Using custom formats

By default the following file extensions are supported

To use a custom format a custom com.codingchili.core.files.FileStore needs to be implemented. It’s pretty simple, it needs a method for reading a buffer of the desired configuration format into a io.vertx.core.JsonObject. It also needs a method for writing a JsonObject into the custom format at the specified path. The reason for the JsonObject is that it’s what is being used internally to represent the configuration. The configuration format on disk is not tied to the JSON format.

Example of a custom mapper.

The custom mapper needs to be registered on the com.codingchili.core.files.ConfigurationFactory.

This can be done with the following sample,

ConfigurationFactory.add(new YamlFileStore());

This registers the file extensions provided by the getExtensions method on the FileStore. The ConfigurationFactory can be used directly but does not include support for reloading configuration files on change. Good use cases for the ConfigurationFactory are when more control is required when files are being loaded/reloaded or when loading multiple configuration files at once.

Reloading files with a configuration factory

The ConfigurationFactory may be combined with a com.codingchili.core.files.FileWatcher to handle reloading with a com.codingchili.core.files.FileStoreListener.

Example of using the ConfigurationFactory with a FileWatcher

// creates a FileWatcher on the given directory that checks the WatchService each 1500ms.
    .rate(() -> 1500)
    .withListener(new FileStoreListener() {
        public void onFileModify(Path path) {
            Fruit fruit = Serializer.unpack(
                    ConfigurationFactory.readObject(path.toString()), Fruit.class);

            // a local cache of fruits.
            fruits.put(fruit.getName(), fruit);
        public void onFileRemove(Path path) {
            // called when a file in the directory is removed.

Framework configuration

This section explains the different ways of configuring the framework. It is recommended to configure these before actually starting the application. This is because some configuration properties are only applicable before the application has started. An example of a property that cannot be set after the application has started is ‘clustering’ on the launcher.

The configurations that are covered here are retrieved from Configurations.


The launcher configuration allows for configuration of the following properties.

property description
clustered indicates if we are starting up a Hazelcast cluster with discovery.
configurationDirectory set the base directory where configuration is loaded from.
wanOnDefaultsLoaded warn when configuration defaults are loaded using Configurations.get(..).
application used for logging, the name of the application.
version used for logging, the version of the application.
blocks A list of services to deploy when the Launcher is started, can be referenced by name.
hosts used to determine which block of services to deploy.

If there is no matching host and a block has not been explicitly specified a block named default will be deployed.

Sample configuration file

version: CORE-1.0.5-PR
application: prototype
clustered: false
warnOnDefaultsLoaded: true
  - com.codingchili.logging.Service
  - com.codingchili.authentication.Service
  - com.codingchili.realm.Service
  - com.codingchili.router.Service
  kraken: services
  raspi: gateway

If the Launcher is used to deploy the application the hostname will determine which Services to deploy. More on the launcher and services in the next chapters. Services may also be deployed directly on the context without the use of the Launcher.

Note: it is recommended to not set the base directory to the same as the application root, as this will force the WatchService to potentially watch a great number of files. Defaults to storing configuration in ./conf.

Note: clustering is required for the HazelMap storage implementation.


The system configuration contains properties used for the framework core functions.

property description
options a VertxOption object.
metrics boolean indicates if metrics should be captured or not.
metricRate how often to capture metrics in milliseconds, default 15s.
services the number of services to deploy when deploying a service.
handlers the number of handlers to deploy when deploying a handler.
listeners the number of listeners to deploy when deploying a listener.
deployTimeout time in milliseconds after which a deployment times out and fails.
shutdownLogTimeout time in milliseconds the shutdown hook will wait before terminating the application.
configurationPoll how often the WatchService should be polled for file changes.
cachedFilePoll how often the CachedFileStore should poll the WatchService.
consoleLogging boolean determines if logging events are printed to console out.
workerPoolSize the size of the worker pool.
clusterTimeout time in ms until clustered messages are timed out.
blockedThreadChecker how often to check for blocked threads in milliseconds.
maxEventLoopExecuteTime the maximum number of milliseconds the event loop may block until a warning is generated, in milliseconds.


Controls internal security configuration.

property description
dependencies can be used with the AuthenticationGenerator to generate secrets/tokens.
keystores a list of keystore configurations.
argon configuration for hashing, ‘iterations’, ‘memory’, ‘parallelism’, ‘hashLength’, saltLength.
hmacAlgorithm algorithm used to sign tokens.
secretBytes the length of generated pre-shared secrets from SecretFactory.
tokenttl how long tokens generated from the TokenFactory are valid.

Sample configuration

    - global
    secrets: []
        service: logserver
        secret: secret
    preshare: []
    - secret
    tokens: {}
- password: "flashcards"
  path: "keystore.jks"
  shortName: "keystore.jks"
  iterations: 1
  memory: 8192
  parallelism: 4
  hashLength: 32
  saltLength: 16
hmacAlgorithm: "HmacSHA512"
signatureAlgorithm: "SHA256withRSA"
secretBytes: 64
tokenttl: 604800

Dependencies are used to instantiate configuration in multiple separate files.

Defined secrets and preshares are generated by a CSPRNG using the SecretFactory, the values in the sample configuration are just declarations - the generated secrets will be placed in the files that matches the regular expression. Tokens reference a specific service and the name of the secret to use, again this is just for referencing - the secrets will be generated and replaced in the matching files.


Contains settings for storage implementations, these can be any of the included or a custom implementation.

property description
storage a RemoteStorage plugin configuration entry.
maxResults number of max results that may be retrieved from the database at any time.
minFeedbackChars the minumum number of characters required for like/contains queries.

It’s up to the storage implementation to respect the maxResults and minFeedbackChars properties. The default storage implementations honor them.

Configuration for a specific plugin can be retrieved with

RemoteStorage config =;

A remote storage configuration contains the following properties

property description
host the hostname of the database, if applicable.
port the port of the database, if applicable.
database the name of the storage file on disk, a collection or a database/schema.
persisted some implementations support both in-memory and persisted mode.
persistInterval some implementations that support persistence will persist at this interval.
properties storage configuration per-implementation extra options.

Sample configuration

    host: 'localhost'
    db_name: 'db'
    port: 9300
            type: 'date'
        index.mapping.total_fields.limit: 1000
    host: 'localhost'
    db_name: 'db'
    port: 27017
    host: 'localhost'
    db_name: 'db'
    port: 27017
    host: 'localhost'
    db_name: 'db'
    port: 27017
    host: 'localhost'
    db_name: 'db'
    port: 27017
    host: 'localhost'
    db_name: 'db'
    port: 27017
maxResults: 32
minFeedbackChars: 3

It’s possible to add custom implementations here. Either in the configuration file or using the API on the StorageSettings object.

Adding a custom storage plugin,

// RemoteStorage is the configuration, Class is a class that implements AsyncStorage<Value> where value extends `Storable`., Class);

For more information on storages see the storage section.