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This section covers logging, both local and remote logging can be used and preferrably with ElasticSearch for indexing and Kibana for visualization.

Javadoc here

Note: when logging make sure that the log data does not change after it is submitted, as this will cause a concurrent modification exception. To improve performance the logging class does not perform copying before submitting to the executor.


A local logger will write its output to the terminal, or a file if stdout is redirected.

Creating a local logger, does not require a Context.

Logger logger = new ConsoleLogger(getClass());

A remote logger will publish the logging event on the event bus. At which point it is important that there is a service that is listening for logging events.

The listener should be a cluster based listener that listens on the syslog address. Captured logging events should be indexed for search. It is also recommended to base visualizations on logging data.

It is configurable whether a remote logger should print to the terminal or not.

Grabbing a (remote+console) logger is easy,

public static void main(String[] args) {
    CoreContext core = new SystemContext();
    Logger logger = core.logger(getClass());


Logging an event is easy


Logging at a specific level.

logger.event("onTimeZoneFailure", Level.WARNING).send();

Logging with a simple message

logger.event("message").send("one message text.");

Logging with some additional key-value based data.

    .put("temperature", "over 9000.")
    .send("periodic reading of nuclear reactor complete.");

Logging an error with a stacktrace


Attaching metadata to the logger, the value may change.

logger.setMedataValue("key", () -> "value");
logger.setMetadata("name", () -> {
    // return new JsonObject().put("test", true);
    // or ...
    return Serializer.json(object);

When using setMetadata the returned JSON object will be merged into the root of the log event. This can be used to apply authentication tokens etc, for remote logging. By default, the following metadata is set

Additionally there are some pre-defined events that can be used.

See javadoc here


Logging events are always constructed as io.vertx.core.JsonObject and sent to a remote as a JSON object. This makes it possible to specify key-value pairs in the logging messages, to ease indexing and search.


Different logging levels for different purposes.

Level Description
INFO The default level, good for any info.
WARNING Something that might be an issue.
STARTUP Used during the startup of the application.
ERROR Something went wrong, the application continues.
SPECIAL Just another color, use for whatever.
RESERVED Reserved for something, paws off.
NONE Unspecified, unclassified, mysterious.
SEVERE Something went wrong and it’s not temporary.

Severe is meant to signal that a critical component of the application is malfunctioning, for example failure to connect to a backend database.

It is recommended to set up log indexing, visualization and alerting based on these levels.

Defining custom logging levels

It’s possible to customize the available logging levels.

Adding a new logging level

public static LogLevel OVER_9000 = new LogLevel() {
        // needs to be registered before use as the ConsoleLogger also supports
        // parsing logging events from json, which only include the level name.
    public String getName() {
        return "OVER9000!!"
    public Ansi apply(Ansi ansi) {
        // bright bold red text.
        return ansi.fgBright(Ansi.Color.RED).bold();

Logger logger = context.logger(getClass());
logger.event("testing", OVER_9000).send();

Performance metrics

When performance monitoring is enabled a remote logger will be used to send the metrics snapshot to the logging node. The logging node should index this event as any other event.

In the visualization platform these messages will have the event type of metrics.

Enabling performance monitoring

    SystemSettings settings = Configurations.system();
    // defaults is 15s.
    settings.setMetricRate(25000); // 25s

Metrics and rate can be modified while the application is running.