All Classes

Default logging implementation.
Base class for the query builder.
Transfer object used for authentication from clients.
Alternate way of specifying a handlers listening address.
Indicates that the annotated method does not require authentication.
Contains default argon2 parameters for password hashing.
An asynchronous semaphore.
Reuses the AsyncMap interface from hazelcast.
Simple configurable that maps to a json object.
Extended by classes with dynamic attributes.
Defines preshared secrets between services, local secrets and tokens which are generated from another services secret.
Generates service security configuration based on system security mappings.
An annotation that indicates that the annotated method should be picked up by protocols when calling Protocol.annotated(Receiver).
Handles the mapping of routes to roles.
Throw when authorization is required but was not possible, for example when authentication is missing.
A basic
Represents a basic configurable that is saveable.
Implemented by executable benchmarks, a benchmark object is a single benchmark operation.
Base implementation of a benchmark.
Captures events from the logging executor and logs to console.
Crates benchmark reports in the terminal.
Micro-benchmarks runner.
Contains a set of benchmarks and groups them by type, for example "network" or "storage".
"Abstract" implementation of a map group.
Generates a HTML benchmark report with Jade.
Groups benchmarks of the same implementation together.
"Abstract" benchmark-implementation.
Listens for progress during benchmarking.
Benchmark operation called when benchmarking.
Interface for benchmarking report creation.
Results for benchmarks.
Throw when a requested service block is not configured.
A bus routerhandler with a static delivery address.
Simple handler that routes messages to the event bus and passes eventbus errors back to sender.
Compares byte arrays in constant-time.
Represents a file loaded from disk into main memory.
Caches files from disk in memory and reloads them on change.
Contains settings used in the CachedFileStore.
Creates new sessions and manages existing.
Helper class to send clustered messages.
Listens for requests addressed to the attached handler and forwards the requests to it.
A request in the cluster.
A command that may be executed by the CommandExecutor.
Thrown when a command that is already registered to the commandexecutor is re-added.
Interface that can be implemented to handle commandline arguments.
Base configuration interface.
Supports reading/writing to multiple configuration formats.
Throw when a change has been made to a configuration file that cannot be applied to runtime.
Thrown when configuration has failed to parse.
Handles loading and parsing of the configuration files.
Represents the stateful connection over which requests may be passed.
Implementation of a console logger, filters some key/value combinations to better display the messages.
A simple mock class.
Contains system benchmarks..
Provides a simplified subset of the vertx toolkit with some wrapping to simplify usage.
An unit that is deployable on the CoreContext.
Exceptions should extend this class to allow for catching all core-type exceptions.
Base format for all core based exceptions.
A simplified handler that may be deployed directly.
Listeners handles incoming messages and forwards them to a handler.
Runtime exception.
Specifies a handler bootstrapper.
Store json keys and protocol headers so that they are easily maintained.
Collects CPU metrics using the operating system mx bean.
Used to sed the data transfer object for a protocol, used for documentation purposes.
Parses and executes commands from the command line.
Delays given futures to allow for cleanup or to implement backoff timers.
Indicates that a deployable unit is capable of providing deployment options.
Annotation that can add a description to handlers and routes in a handler.
Map implementation that uses ElasticSearch.
An empty request for testing.
Used to map API routes to another target/route
Periodically executes a reusable query.
Utility class to get environment information.
Protocol exception handler.
Throw when a requested file is not present.
Throw when an error has occured while reading a file.
Interface for filestore providers.
Interface to be used with a FileWatcher to be notified of changes.
Mock filesystem: turns asynchronous reads into sync reads to avoid dealing with asynchronous setup in test cases.
Watches changes to files in a registered directory and all its subdirectories.
File watcher builder.
Throw when failed to write a file.
Helper method to simplify working with handlers and asyncresult.
Throw when a requested handler does not exist.
Handles the hashing of passwords and the generation of the salts used in the hashing; internally in Argon2.
Throw when a hash comparison has failed.
Initializes a new hazel async map.
Implementation of the in-memory/disk indexed collections using CQEngine.
A holder class that holds references to shared data between instantiated storages.
Adds disk persistence to IndexedMap.
Common query class used for disk persisted storage and in-memory indexed.
A storage implementation that is local and indexed.
Throw when the given class is not a valid configurable.
Throw when a requested configuration is missing.
Handles the loading/writing of json objects and lists to/from disk.
Interface for a logger that logs Json objects.
Map backed by a json-file.
Extends the JsonObject making it storable.
Maps implementations used to collect jvm/process/os metrics.
Keystore builder for use in #SecuritySettings.
Used in #SecuritySettings to contain references to keystores.
Provides context for the Launcher system, passed to the launcher when starting an application using the Launcher subsystem.
Launches all the components of the system on a single host.
Command executor that registers launch commands to a CommandExecutor.
Results returned from an #Command when it is executed by a #CommandExecutor.
Contains the settings for the launcher.
logging level definitions.
Logger with additional metadata used for listeners to provide additional context information such as the attached handler.
Settings for transport listeners.
Interface to generate logging messages.
Logger mock to capture console output for testing purposes.
This interface allows for custom defined logging levels.
Helper class to construct logging messages.
Implementation of a map for use with benchmarking.
Defines a set of operations supported by the messaging implementations.
Mock class for messages.
Implementation of metric collection backed by micrometer.
Configuration used to filter metrics.
Settings for the generation of metrics.
A mock class for the log listener.
mongodb backed asyncmap.
The MultiHandler is capable of routing a request into any of the given handlers using the
Object used for testing, nested within StorageObject.
Must be implemented by objects that are nested into Storables.
Throw when the remote end has failed in some way.
Throw when a remote node is not in listening state.
Throw when attempting to load a file for an extension no filestore has been registered for.
Throw when an executing block has zero configured services.
Throw when a command was given on the terminal that does not exist.
Throw when a file is missing.
Throw when a resource is missing from the filesystem and the classpath.
Throw when the remove operation cannot be completed as there is nothing to be removed.
Throw when the replace operation cannot complete as there is no object stored that matches the value of the oject to update.
Template for generating valid OpenAPI 3 definitions, see
Collects information about the operating system.
Reads passwords.
Implements an async map for use with local data.
Information about the currently running process.
Maps packet data to authorizer and manages authentication status for authorizer.
Contains protocol mappings and descriptions.
Basic form of a request response.
Provides the ability to create a query without an existing storage.
Interface for the query builder.
Throw when a reusable query has an invalid format.
parses a query in string format.
A handler to handle things.
Determines if text matching a regex should be replaced or if the validation should fail.
Contains settings used for a single regex validator action.
Throw when the requested service block is not configured.
A logger that logs to a remote host.
configuration settings for a remote storage.
Base request class.
Functional interface used for routes in a handler.
Mocked request object.
Throw when a request with too large payload has been received.
Throw when a remote has failed to reply within the specified time.
Throw when a request has error validation.
Wraps a request to allow decorating request objects without re-initializing the source request.
Reads a file from the filesystem or the classpath.
Helper methods for creating response messages.
Used together with the RequestMock to get the response body and code from a handler that the mocked request was passed into.
List of the available response statuses.
Utility class to set CORS headers for HTTP routing.
HTTP/REST transport listener.
HTTP/REST request object.
Root container for all result objects.
A resultset contains one result item for each implementation.
A group contains multiple resultsets, one for each operation.
Extend this interface to provide more role types.
Add custom roles to the rolemap, must be done before initializing protocols.
Sets the default access level on a handler.
Identifies a role with a name and an access level.
Models a route in the Protocol.
An annotation that indicates that the annotated method should be picked up by protocols when calling Protocol.annotated(Receiver).
Generates and verifies secret keys.
Throw when a security configuration is pointing out a secret as a token dependency that does not exist in the targeted service.
Contains mappings of security dependencies between services.
Serializes objects to JSON or YAML and back.
Throw when an attempt has been made to deserialize an invalid payload.
Service configurables are loaded by service contexts for use in services.
May be implemented by service specific contexts.
Indicates that a request is part of a persistent connection.
An interface which defines the functionality of a session provider.
Storage implementation that uses vertx local-shared map.
Registered as a shutdown hook for the JVM and is used to clean up the context.
Allows a subscriber to receive shutdown events.
Maps roles to routes.
Sort order, ascending or descending.
Allows a subscriber to wait for the application context to become available.
All classes using the storage system must implement storable.
context used by storage plugins.
Generic storage error, throw when a requested operation has error.
Builder to load storage plugins.
Test class to simulate a stored object.
configuration used by storages.
Query implementations for non-indexed json streams.
A simple logger without any metadata, replacement for System.out.
Parses string based queries.
Implementation of the CoreContext, each context gets its own worker pool.
Throw when a subsystem was used before it was initialized.
Contains settings for the core system.
TCP listener implementation.
TCP request implementation.
Copied from SelfSignedCertificate because we need to access the underlying certificate, for the public and private key.
Thread state gauge with deadlock detection removed as it may return empty set which is not supported by the json serializer - vertx.dropwizard/Helper.
Provides a method to get a timer interval that may change after retrieving it.
Thrown on timer source failure.
Used to authenticate requests between services and with clients.
Verifies and generates tokens for access.
Declares a security dependency on another service.
Common wrapper class for #SelfSignedCertificate and #JksOptions as they both contain trustOptions and keyCertOptions but these methods are not contained in a common interface.
UDP transport listener.
UDP request object.
An exception that is safe to forward to clients.
Validates the contents of a json object according to the validation configuration.
Contains settings for validating strings with regexes, length and field names.
Throw when attempting to put-if-absent but value is not absent.
Throw when an entity could not be found in storage.
See io.vertx.core.json.jackson.DatabindCodec for all available de/serializers.
Websocket transport listener.
Websocket request object.
Types of transports available.
Parses YAML configuration files into JsonObjects.